In the past two weeks, I have worked on the resources area for podman desktop. M and I have completed the card sorting for the user research interviews. I created a usability test plan for the resources area. And I continued my LinkedIn learning course on usability testing.
The card sorting exercise revealed nine themes in our interview data - the use of registry/images, how participants use containerization tools, positives aspects of podman, participant needs (including pain points, wishlists, etc), participants' workflow, their environment setup, experience with containers, podman and docker/docker desktop.
I created a usability test plan for the resources area, I have updated the mockup as well, I just need some finishing touches and it will be ready. Only one person has booked so far so I hope we get more participants before the end.
I have learnt and I'm still learning from the LinkedIn learning course on usability testing.
Next Up
I have three weeks left in my internship. I would like to complete the issues that I have been working on. I am working towards doing that.