In the past week, M and I conducted another user research interview. I helped transcribe one of the older ones. We discussed how we would analyze and present the results. I hope we get even more data in the upcoming interviews. We are now going to recruit more participants, this will give full coverage of our user personas.
I worked on the code review from A. My Blog application code is getting cleaner day by day.
I also added a nav bar.
I am still learning UX foundations through LinkedIn learning - UX weekly.
I got some feedback from the podman desktop team on my design of the registry page and I'm currently iterating on the design. I need a neat way to show error messages without changing the structure of all the rows in the table. I'm not satisfied with my current design so I'm still thinking and working on it.
I am also thinking of what happens if there is a case where there needs to be a scroll bar for the registries, will the design still work? I think a modal view would solve all my problems but I know it will create an even bigger problem "presenting a modal view on top of another modal view" so it's a non-starter.
This week
This week I will focus on putting together the style guide components because the team needs them. I will also keep working on the registry page. I will keep learning with LinkedIn. Finally, I will keep doing my Flask code review.